Articles on: Getting Started

Day 1 with Nimbata: Getting Started

Welcome to Nimbata 👋

Every Nimbata user from the smallest one to the biggest, has been in your position. But, don't worry about how to get started, we've created this guide to to help you start strong from day 1 with Nimbata. And should you have any questions, don't hesitate to leave a chat message for our support team.

Step 1: Acquire your Tracking Numbers

Call Tracking Phone Numbers or simply call tracking numbers, are numbers used by businesses and marketers to track and measure the effectiveness of their advertising and marketing campaigns. These numbers are displayed in your website instead of you regular business number, in order to track your visitor's behavior and attribution.

When the call is placed by a caller using a call tracking numbers, Nimbata captures valuable data such as the caller’s phone number, the time of the call, the duration of the call, how many times the caller called, the location of the caller, the call page etc. This information is stored and analyzed to provide insights into which campaigns are driving the most calls and which channels are delivering the highest ROI.

💡For local-based campaigns is always better to use local call tracking numbers. Using local numbers can enhance the credibility and relevance of your business within a specific community or region. Consumers are more likely to trust and engage with a business that appears to have a local presence.

Channels you can place your Call Tracking Numbers

Google Ads Call Extension: Assign a unique tracking number to measure the impact of calls generated from Google Ads. Optimize your ads, boost returns, and dominate the competition.

Website: Place a strategic tracking number on your website to capture every call, enhance user experience, and drive more conversions.

Calls Ads on Facebook: Assign distinct tracking numbers to each platform to uncover call volume, tailor content, and engage your audience for profitable results.

Print Media: Boost your direct mail campaigns by utilizing a dedicated tracking number. Measure response rates, fine-tune messaging, and increase your bottom line.

Local directories, Google My Business, Social Profiles: Ensure accurate tracking by assigning a tracking number to each directory listing. Monitor the effectiveness of your online presence and drive more leads.

To learn more about tracking numbers check out:

Getting started with Call Tracking Numbers
How many tracking numbers do I need?
How to calculate the size of your call tracking number pool

Step 2: Build your Call Flow

A call flow establish the connection between your tracking numbers and your destination (a.k.a. business) number. But with the call flow builder you can do more. The Call Flow builder is a canvas for you to create the entire call flow in one view. Create greeting messages, add call add-ons such as recordings and whispers, choose call routing method, create conditions with filters and keypad entry with ease, then connect them together with path arrows.

To learn more about connecting tracking numbers with your business number check out:

Using the Call Flow Builder: Overview and How to Set up Guide
Assign Call Flow to Tracking Numbers

Step 3: Decide the Call Tracking Method you wish to follow

There are plenty of call tracking methods, that are depending on which channels you wish to track and in which depth.

Types of Call Tracking

Types of Call TrackingUse case
Offline SourcesRunning a radio ad which prompts Listeners call the tracking number
Online Sources – Static TrackingCount the number of calls a static medium drives for example Call Extension or GMB listing
Online Sources – Number SwappingCount the number of calls made from a specific channel
Visitor Tracking – Number poolsTrack visitor journey before, during, and after the call from every channel and medium

For offline sources and Online Sources using Static Tracking, the process is very straightforward just place your tracking number at the respective field.

Track Phone Calls per Source using Number Swapping

With number swapping, visitors see a different number depending on which channel or campaign drove the lead. This method can give you a detailed breakdown per source. You will need 1 tracking number per channel (Direct, Organic, PPC, Newsletters, Referrers, Social Media, etc.) To set it up, acquire one tracking number per channel, and then place the DNI script to your site.

Track Every Phone Call and get detailed visitor-level data

Let's introduce the concept of "pools." A pool represents a collection of tracking numbers that are readily available to be assigned to your website visitors. This allocation ensures that each visitor is presented with a unique tracking number. By implementing this approach, we unlock a wealth of visitor data, including the landing page, UTM sources, campaign details, keywords, and click IDs. These insights are then captured and reported in Nimbata, accessible through Call Activity Views.

To learn more about DNI check out:

Getting Started with Dynamic Number Insertion (DNI)
Activate via Wordpress
Activate via Google Tag Manager
DNI with Swap Groups

🎉 That's it. Always remember to place test calls to ensure that everything works fine!

➡️ You need more? Nimbata offers a variety of native integrations with CRM, Marketing, Reporting, and Productivity integrations. Check out our integration here.

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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