Articles on: Call Flow Features

Voice Mail

Voicemail - Easily receive voicemail messages from callers.

Voicemails let you set up a custom voice greeting that callers hear before leaving a message. Decide whether to direct calls straight to voicemail or when there's no answer. The recorded messages are saved in your call tracking account for you to review.

Capture Missed Opportunities - Voicemail is your safety net for capturing important calls and potential leads, even when you can’t answer the phone right away.
Collect Lead Information - Voicemails allow callers to leave contact details and specific inquiries, facilitating the collection of valuable lead information.
After-Hours Lead Management - Perfect for handling leads after regular hours, ensuring accessibility around the clock.

Set up Voicemails

Step 1. Go to Tracking > Call Flows. If you want to start a new Call Flow click the "+" symbol, otherwise just click on the call flow you want to add the whisper message.

Step 2. Click on the + button above the End call and from the menu on the right select Voicemail

Step 3. You have the option to choose the default system audio which will play to callers or upload your own media file through the Media Library.

Listen to Voicemails

Step 1. In order to access your voicemail, you have to go to Activity > Calls.
Step 2. Click on Filters and add the Has Voicemail filter. You can listen all your voicemails under Recording Column.

💡 Tip: If you regularly get voicemails, it's a good idea to set up a "Voicemail" view for quick access. Simply filter your "All Calls" view, click on Save As, name your view (e.g., My Voicemails), and voila! Now you can effortlessly access all your voicemails without the need for additional filtering.

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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