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How to Set Up UTM Tags in Facebook Ads

UTM Parameters: Valuable Insights From Traffic Tracking

Setting up UTM tags for Facebook can be highly beneficial for your marketing efforts. Google Analytics does provide some basic overview, but if you want deeper insights without UTM tracking. And without a detailed analysis, optimizing your campaigns will be impossible.

Setting Up UTM Tags in Facebook

Step 1. Go to your desired campaign, ad set, or ad level in Facebook Ads Manager.

Step 2. Enter your website URL in the "Website URL" field.

Step 3. Scroll down to the "Tracking" section and click "Build a URL Parameter."

Step 4. You'll see several UTM parameters you can define, including:

Campaign Source (utm_source): This specifies the source of your traffic (e.g., "facebook_ads").
Campaign Medium (utm_medium): This defines the advertising medium (e.g., "ppc").
Campaign Name (utm_campaign): This specifies the name of your Facebook Ads campaign.
Campaign Content (utm_content): This lets you categorize your ad variations (optional).
Term (utm_term): You can use this for paid search keywords, but it's not typically used with Facebook Ads (leave blank).

Fill in the desired values for each parameter. For example, "utm_source=facebook_ads" and "utm_medium=ppc". You can also use Facebook's dynamic parameters to automatically insert values based on your campaign structure (e.g., inserting the campaign name).

That's it! Focus on keeping a consistent naming basis for your UTM tags. It will make your life easier and your data more accurate. There are also several free and paid tools that can help you generate UTM tags.

Updated on: 24/07/2024

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