Articles on: Account Settings

Add New Users

Add New Users to your Nimbata account, under one or multiple brands and give specific permissions.

Before proceeding, make sure you are logged in with an admin account.

To invite new teammates to join your account, click your avatar at the top right-hand side of the screen and select Account Settings.

Step 1: From the "Account Settings" menu, click on the "Users" tab.

Step 2: Press the "+" button, located on the bottom right of the screen.

Step 3: On the new screen, you can now enter the user's email to initiate the addition process. Then, include the user's name, and optionally, their phone number along with the country prefix. The selected email serves as the username, and the user will receive their password in their inbox. Following that, you'll need to designate a role for the user. Admin users possess administrative privileges, allowing them to add tracking numbers, set up call flows, and more. Regular users, on the other hand, lack editing rights and only have access to the reporting and activity sections.

For a detailed understanding of each user's rights, hover over the question mark.

Once that's settled, proceed to select the brands the user should have access to. Both Users and Admins can be granted access to one or more brands under your account.

Step 4: Press "Save" right and down on the screen.

🎉 That's it! You'll get a notification message that the user has been successfully created.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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