Articles on: Call Tracking

Activate via Google Tag Manager

This video will help you activate the Nimbata Dynamic Number Insertion Script using Google Tag Manager.

On your Tag Manager Workspace click on Add New Tag

Give your tag a name (e.g. Nimbata) and click on "choose a tag type"

Click on "Discover more tag types in the Community Template Gallery"

Search for "Nimbata" and click on the Template named "Nimbata Call Tracking"

Click on "Add to Workspace"

On the ensuing pop up click on "Add"

Head back to your Nimbata account and under "Setup - Dynamic Number Insertion" copy the DNI ID which is highlighted in Green

Paste the DNI ID in the section labeled "Dynamic Number Insertion ID"

Under Advanced Settings select Tag Firing Options = Once per event

10.Create a new trigger and select Page View - DOM Ready - All DOM Ready events.

11.Save and submit work-space changes!

You are all set, now!

Updated on: 16/07/2024

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