Zapier Integration - Connecr Nimbata with 100s of Marketing, CRM, Reporting, and Productivity apps seamlessly.
With the Nimbata + Zapier integration, you can seamlessly connect Nimbata with 100s of Marketing, CRM, Reporting, and Productivity apps. Effortlessly create zaps to push call events and activity to any desired app, merge data from various sources, receive timely alerts and notifications, and automate your entire marketing workflow with ease. The integration empowers you to streamline your processes and effortlessly integrate call data into your existing systems.
Things you can do when using Zapier with Nimbata include:
↪Lead generation: When a new call is received in Nimbata, you can automatically create a lead or contact in your CRM system, such as Salesforce or HubSpot, ensuring that all relevant information is captured and organized.
↪CRM updates: Whenever a call happens from an existing lead, you can use Zapier to update customer records in your CRM system, ensuring that call activities are tracked and accessible alongside other customer interactions.
↪Notification alerts: You can set up Zaps to receive real-time notifications in various communication and productivity app like Slack or Email whenever specific call events occur in Nimbata, such as missed calls or calls with a specific tag or duration.
↪Email Marketing and Workflow automation: You can trigger actions in other apps based on call events in Nimbata. For example, when a call ends in Nimbata, you can automatically send a follow-up email using an email marketing tool like Mailchimp or ActiveCampaign or update a task in a project management tool like Trello.
If you want to find out more about how Zapier works click here.
To integrate Nimbata with Zapier:
Step 1: Go to Integrations > Zapier
Step 2. There are tons of available apps where you can send your call data. Choose the one you would like and start the integration process! You can easily type one on the search bar or choose one of the predefined integrations that our customers usually use.
Step 3: For this example, we will integrate Nimbata with HubSpot. Type "HubSpot" and click on "Create your own workflow".
If you already have a Zapier account sign into your account, otherwise create a new one (it will take only a few minutes).
Step 4: Then you will redirect to Zapier's interface. At the trigger field, choose "Nimbata" from the list. Next, at the trigger configuration section select the event "New Call", click on "Continue" and connect your Nimbata account.
To connect your Account click you will need the API keys, which you can find here. Enter your keys and click on "Yes, continue".
Step 5: After completing these actions test your trigger to ensure that everything is fine.
Step 6: At the action field, choose one of the available events, for the purpose of this specific example we will continue with HubSpot.
Then choose the event that will happen, after a new call is placed.
If you are trying to make the Nimbata+Google Sheets integration happen, make sure to create a header row to your google sheet including the data you want to collect.
Step 7: Then connect Zapier with your HubSpot account and set up the action based on your needs.
Step 8: As soon as you finish the setup, test your new action and click on "Publish Zap".
After you publish your Zap, go back to the zapier integration page and a message will appear if the integration is completed successfully.
Step 8: Last but not least, go back to your Nimbata account and choose when Nimbata should fire the Nimbata + Zapier Integration by setting the integration trigger. If you want to know more about integration triggers, check out this guide.
Alternatively, head over to Integrations > Manage and set the trigger from there.
🎉 That's it! To ensure that the integration works as you wish, do a test call and see the updates on your HubSpot Account!
Updated on: 17/07/2024
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