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How can I tag calls?

Call data is gold, but untagged calls are a jumbled mess. Unlock the power of your call tracking software by adding call tags, categorize your leads, and watch your marketing and sales efforts soar.

Uncover Hidden Trends: Call tags act like digital labels, allowing you to sort and filter your call data to identify patterns you might otherwise miss. This can be anything from spotting the most common call source (website ad, online review) to pinpointing peak times for specific types of inquiries.

Targeted Lead Nurturing: With call tags, you can categorize leads based on their needs and interests expressed during the call. This allows for more targeted communication and nurturing campaigns, increasing the chances of converting them into customers.

Improved Sales & Marketing Alignment: When sales and marketing teams share call tag data, they gain valuable insights into lead quality and campaign effectiveness. This fosters better collaboration and helps both teams optimize their strategies for better results.

How to Set Up Automation Rules for Your Tags

Step 1. Click on “Automations” on the left side menu and then on the +Add button on the upper right corner.

Step 2. Now you are in the Automation editing screen. Firstly, choose to trigger the automation at the end of the call.

Step 3. Now, you have to choose filtering criteria. Click on the “+Add new filter rule” button and choose a criterion from the right side menu. You have plenty of options. You can choose to tag calls for example based on duration, time, device, source or even keywords and phrases used during the conversation. You can add multiple criteria and be as granular as you wish.

Step 4. Now, you get to choose what action you want the Automation to take once your criteria have been fulfilled. Click on the “+Add new task” button. To Tag a call, choose the “Tags” option from the “Update Field” section and then select the tag you wish to assign.

Step 5. When you are done, click on the “Publish” button and your automation will be up and running. If you wish, you can also rename it on the top left corner.

Tag Your Calls Manually

Step 1. Go to Activity > Calls.

Step 2. Click the "Actions" button, and then select "View Options."

Step 3. In the pop-up, check the "Edit Tags In-line" option.

Step 4. Then, click on the Tag field and select the desired tag from the list. Your changes will be automatically updated.

Quick and easy, as promised. You can set up multiple Automations, one for each tag you need and save tons of time and work.

Tag Automation Example

Here, we have set up an automated tag as an example.

With these criteria set up, whenever we get a first time caller from the USA, the call will be automatically tagged as “USA Team” and our specialized agents will be able to handle it from now on.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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