Articles on: Getting Started

Nimbata Fields and Values

In the article below we list all fields that Nimbata captures for tracked calls and list possible values for each.
You can use this glossary when setting up Webhooks so you know what values to expect in the Payload.

Action Page (Call page): {dynamic value based on session}
Automation Name: {dynamic value based on automation name}
Call Duration: {dynamic value based on call duration in seconds}
Call Frequency: {dynamic value based on times called}
Caller ID: {dynamic value based on caller number}
Caller ID (international): {dynamic value based on caller number with prefix}
Caller Name: {dynamic value based on caller name}
Configured Tracking Source: {See this list}
Destination Number: {dynamic value based on destination number}
Destination Number (international): {dynamic value based on destination number with prefix}
Destination Number Friendly Name: {dynamic value based on the name of the destination number}
Device Type: {D / M}
Digits Pressed by Caller: {dynamic value based on digit pressed by caller}
Digits Pressed by Destination: {dynamic value based on digit pressed by agent}
Facebook Click ID: {dynamic value fetched from session}
GA Session ID: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Google Ads Click ID: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Google Analytics Customer ID: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Hangup Cause: {See this list}
Has Recording: {Y / N}
Has Transcription: {Y / N}
Has Voicemail: {Y / N}
IP address: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Landing Page: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Microsoft Click ID: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Project ID: {dynamic value from Nimbata}
Project Name: {dynamic value from Nimbata}
Rec Link {The URL of the recording}
Start Time: {dynamic value based on start time of call}
Start Time (local timezone): {dynamic value based on start time of call in local timezone}
Tags: {dynamic value from Nimbata}
Talk Duration: {dynamic value from Nimbata based on seconds talked}
Tracking Number: {dynamic value of tracking number}
Tracking Number (international) {dynamic value of tracking number with prefix}
Tracking Number Friendly Name: {dynamic value based on the name of the tracking number}
Transcription {The URL of the transcription}
Unique Call ID: {dynamic value from Nimbata}
UTM Campaign: {dynamic value fetched from session}
UTM Medium: {dynamic value fetched from session}
UTM Source: {dynamic value fetched from session}
Value: {dynamic value from Nimbata}

Updated on: 08/07/2024

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