Articles on: Integrations

Email Notifications

Stay on top of your Inbound Activity (Calls & SMS)

Email Notifications allow you to quickly get alerts on new inbound calls or sms in your inbox or share call information with your clients or team members to keep everyone align. Email Notifications help you:

⚡️ Receive real-time alerts to promptly address missed calls.
⚡️ Easily share significant calls with your team.
⚡️ Notify clients of missed calls from lead generation campaigns.
⚡️ Access call recordings with just one click.
⚡️ Stay ahead with timely follow-ups on your quality leads.

and whatever else you want to be alerted on.

Set Up Email Notifications

Step 1. Go to Integrations > Email Notifications

Step 2. Enter the e-mail address or addresses for which you wish to receive notifications. Check the send separate email to each recipient to send email notifications to individuals, not in cc.

Step 3. Configure your setup for Inbound Call Notifications. First, choose the trigger that outlines the criteria that must be met to receive an email notification.

Our default option includes all calls but you can easily filter which calls will be sent by creating a new trigger or use an existing one.

Step 4. Then, choose the subject that will be displayed on the email you send.

You can also use dynamically populated variables as such: 
To display the Tracking Number that was called use - %tracking_number%
To display the Tracking Number friendly name use - %tracking_friendly_name%
To display the Destination Number that was called use - %destination_number%
To display the Destination Number friendly name use - %destination_friendly_name%
To display the Call Outcome use - %call_outcome%
To display the Caller Id use - %caller_id%
To display the Caller Name use - %caller_name%
For Example:

Step 5. Customize the message (Greeting Text) to be sent out. You ,also, have the option to include a link to the recording if it's enabled, and decide whether you want the logo to appear. Additionally, select the call details you want in your email body. Easily customize the order by dragging them up or down, delete our default ones, or add your own by clicking "Add Row."

Step 6. Press "Save" right and down on the screen.

🎉 That's it! Notifications for new calls will be sent each time a call is placed in one of your tracking numbers under your account.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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