Articles on: Integrations


Call Tracking & Marketing Attribution

Integrating call tracking with Cometly, a marketing analytics platform, offers a powerful combination for businesses looking to understand their marketing effectiveness better. Here's how:

Uncover Hidden Touchpoints: Call tracking sheds light on offline interactions, revealing the complete customer journey. This includes identifying the first, middle, and last touchpoints that led to a call, which can be crucial for accurate lead attribution.

Optimize Marketing Spend: By understanding which marketing channels (online and offline) are driving calls, you can allocate resources more efficiently. This helps you focus on channels that generate the most qualified leads and calls, maximizing your marketing ROI.

Accurate Measurement: Track calls from specific campaigns or marketing initiatives launched within Cometly. This allows you to measure the true effectiveness of your online efforts in generating phone inquiries.

Integrating Nimbata with Cometly

Step 1. Go to Integrations > Cometly

Step 2. Choose trigger Fires On: After Every Call

Step 3. Now you will need to paste the Cometly webhook URL in the URL field. To acquire that webhook, you need to log in to your Cometly account, click on Space Settings > Integrations and choose Nimbata.

Step 4. Click “Activate Nimbata”.

Step 5. Copy the Nimbata webhook and paste it into the URL field in your Nimbata account, as shown in step 3.

Step 6. Click “Send Test” and “Send Event”. In this step, Nimbata will send a test email to showcase how the data will be displayed. It’s not necessary to do it, the integration will be already active.

And that was it! Now your Nimbata account is successfully integrated with Cometly.

Updated on: 17/07/2024

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