How can I block unwanted or spam callers ?
If you receive repetitive spam calls from the same caller ID, that number can be blocked to prevent them from calling you in the future.
Step 1. Go to Lead Management > Block Callers.
Step 2. Click on the "+" button to add a caller ID to the list.
Step 3. Input the caller ID you wish to block from making calls to your tracking number and click on "Add".

🚫 The list should now be populated with the numbers you blocked.
If you wish to remove a number from the block list, simply select it, click on the red bin icon, and then click on "Yes" in the pop-up message.

Add a new Caller to blocked caller list
Step 1. Go to Lead Management > Block Callers.
Step 2. Click on the "+" button to add a caller ID to the list.
Step 3. Input the caller ID you wish to block from making calls to your tracking number and click on "Add".

🚫 The list should now be populated with the numbers you blocked.
Remove Caller from Block Caller List
If you wish to remove a number from the block list, simply select it, click on the red bin icon, and then click on "Yes" in the pop-up message.

Updated on: 24/07/2024
Thank you!