Form Tracking
Form Tracking
Nimbata allows you to track form submissions just like you track phone calls!
To track forms make sure you have the Nimbata script enabled on your website.
Step 1. Go to Tracking > Forms

Step 2. Grab the line of code located at the top of the page, and deploy it on the website you wish to track forms.

Step 3 Activate form tracking by simply turning the switch to ON and select which pages and which sources Nimbata should track forms from.

After the first form submission you are able to view form submission data and edit the form details.

Click on the cogwheel button on the right side to edit the form details

Then, edit your form from the right side menu

To view form submissions:
Step 1. Go to Activity > Forms

Step 2. Select the form for which you want to see tracked form leads from the upper left

Step 3. From the upper right menu select which columns you wish to see in this view

Step 4 Edit any of the field names to match the information you track

### Hubspot Form Tracking
1) Log into your Hubspot account. Select "Marketing" -> "Lead Capture" -> "Forms" and locate the form you want to track in Nimbata.
2) Click on Edit Form.
3) Select "Style & Preview" at the top of the page. On the top left of the Style & Preview page, turn On the Set as raw HTML form switch.
4) Click Publish
### FAQ
Why am I not seeing tracked forms in Nimbata?
When you add our form-tracking script, we essentially monitor for specific events to understand whether or not to collect the form data. In theory there are 2 events we can look out for, but 1 of them is not optimal:
1) Form button clicks - this will result in us sending you bad data for form entries that are not valid
2) Form submissions
If the event is set to "Form submissions" and you still don't see form submissions in Nimbata check the following:
You are using the vanilla JS implementation. In this case no submit event is raised. In particular, the form’s onsubmit event handler is not run.
This leaves our form tracking script blind to this action and so we are not capturing and sending your form data to the app.
To resolve this we suggest you use one of two solutions:
Perform the form submission with jQuery’s built in submit method which does raise the events
Use vanilla JS HTMLFormElement.requestSubmit() instead
Updated on: 23/10/2024
Thank you!