Create new Views
Create Views
Views are the new best way to organise and access the exact call data you wish to monitor on the spot. Nimbata's Call Activity Report comes with 3 predefined views: All Calls, Answered Calls and Voicemail.
All Calls : In "All Calls" View you see all your raw data without any filtering.
Answered Calls : In "Answered Calls" View you see all your call data that come from answered calls.
Voicemail : In "Voicemail" View you see the data from your callers who left a voicemail.
If these views don't meet your needs you can easily create your own Views based on the data you would like to monitor.
Create your First View
Step 1. You can access the Call Activity Report under the menu Activity > Calls. Click on the last column that says " + Add View (3/10) ", and then from the dropdown menu "Create New View"
Keep in mind that you are able to create up to 10 views.

Step 2. Name your new View and click on "Next". Then, select the data you wish to include in your new view. The left column includes the data which are available to add to your View. The right column includes the data which are included to your View by default. You can easily remove them by clicking on the red cross mark. After modifying according to your needs, click on "Next".

Step 3. The View options menu allows you to configure each view, with the options you need.

"Show audio player": If you check the box, a play button will appear to each call that has a recording, so that you can hear it on the spot. Otherwise, a check icon will appear to inform you that the call has been recorded.
"Show Transcription": If you check the box, an icon will appear under the "Transcription" Column. By clicking this icon a pop-up with the conversation will appear.
"Show column filters": This option allows you to filter each column. For example, you can filter your call data by source type and show only the calls that came from paid search.
"Share view with my team": This option allows you to choose if you prefer your new View to be visible to your team's members.
"Edit Tags In-line": This option allows you to add tags to each call on the spot.
"Edit rows": This option allows you to select if you prefer expanding the row or having the data show as a pop up.

Step 4. After finishing your Setup click on "Save" to ensure that your View Settings have been updated.
Updated on: 16/07/2024
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